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Hey There

This is your About Page. It's a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do, and what your website has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors.



Naši retreati događaju se u krajoliku koji oduzima dah.

Okruženi impozantnim planinama Bosne i Hercegovine provesti ćete 3 ili 5 dana u društvu 200-tinjak

slobodnih konja. 


Oni na Velikim i Malim BIlama iznad Mostara žive svojim prirodnim životom:  hodaju uokolo u krdima u potrazi za hranom, vodom, hladom, suncem, odmorom, društvom. . . 

A mi hodamo u potrazi za njima te provodimo vrijeme u njihovom čarobnom društvu.

Ovi retreati imaju iznimnu transformacijsku i relaksacijsku moć. Sama smirujuća i uzemljujuća energija prirode vratiti će vas sebi, a promatranje i interakcija s konjima dotaknuti će različite dijelove vašeg bića te mu učiniti nešto što se riječima teško može opisati.

Ovaj retreat vas vodi u svijet konja i učenje o životu i odnosima iz njihove perspektive. Teme kao što su autentičnosti, sloboda, život vođen srcem, komunikacija, granice, puštanje, prepuštanje i radost pratiti će nas u stopu kao i topot konjskih kopita po kršovitom tlu njihovog doma.  



All About Me

This is your About page. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your site has to offer. Your users are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality.

Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to provide any personal details you want to share with your followers. Include interesting anecdotes and facts to keep readers engaged.

Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know. If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.





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