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Horses of  Magic


Welcome to the site that can change your life!

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Personal development with horses is a very powerful way of personal development because horses provide you with honest and immediate feedback

without judgment.

Horses are beautiful mirrors in which our virtues and flaws are reflected.

Through working with horses, you get to know yourself better and the dynamics of your relationships

with others.


Our programs are intended for everyone, regardless of age and experience
with horses.

Programs for personal development 

Here you can find out which programs for personal growth and development we offer. 

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Leadership programs

If you are interested in how you communicate and what kind of leader you are or want to work on these skills, this is the program for you.

Team building

This program is intended for groups. If you want to find out the dynamics of your group and work on group cohesion and efficiency, this is the program for you.



If nature and horses delight you, if you love action, but are also ready to calm down and dive deep into yourself. Our retreat program offers you a unique experience of holistic work on yourself while learning from the wisdom of nature and free horses.


Metaphysics with horses

If you are at a turning point in your life, you are faced with an obstacle or you want to reconsider something... This program will help you in a systematic way to become aware of what is happening inside you and show you the way to resolution. 


Relaxation and meditation

This program is ideal for you if you long to bring more balance into your life and learn how to really relax your body and mind.

Rad s konjima zaista je nevjerojatan i začuđujući put kojim sam uspio ponovno doći u kontakt sa svojim unutarnjim djetetom, osjetiti njegove strahove, želje i nadanja, dozvoliti mu da se izrazi i zacijeli svoje povrede, bez obzira da li se radilo o bespomoćnom
trogodišnjaku ili bijesnom adolescentu.

Energija konja i njihova prisutnost u prostoru dozvolili su mi da se bez ikakvog napora vratim u bilo koje doba svog djetinjstva i u tijelu osjetim svoje energetsko stanje tog trenutka, što je bio preduvjet za razrješenje situacija koje kao dijete nisam mogao shvatiti i procesuirati.
Metafizika s konjima omogućila mi je da jasnije vidim i razriješim situacije i odnose koje imam sada kao odrasla osoba, da se odmaknem od podsvjesnih obrazaca koji
upravljaju mojim životom i donesem odluke u skladu sa svojim životnim putem.
Oba ova puta vodili su me konji Lino, Bowie i Marica, prekrasna osjetljiva i suptilna bića, te
Maja sa svojim suptilnim, ali vrlo fokusiranim vodstvom.

Zahvalan sam im svima na tom daru.

A young man

Blogs that lead you into the wonderful world of learning from the wisdom of horses.

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